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 We're on the case. 
 Private Investigators & Security Officers 
 from Seattle to Bellingham.

Peace of mind at an affordable price.

In Washington state police response time to a nonviolent crime has climbed to days. Having a private security force on call is the only answer to keeping your home and work safe in times when the police force has begun to be privatized. Luxury security means layers of peace of mind.






[ Penetration Testing ]


Ensuring the digital and physical security parameters established are working.

[ Criminal Investigations ]


Assist in research on behalf of families and attorneys.

[ Security Officers ]


From uniformed customer service officers to a private army with a lower response time than police, we know a guy. 

[ Data Analysis ]


Internet stalking, bullying and prowling are major problems your kids deal with.


Human Machine

[ Missing Persons ]


Washington state has the highest number of missing indigenous people in the united States. If a loved one goes missing don't just call police call Investigators!

[ Surveillance ]


Surveillance, counter surveillance for executive protection, hostile terminations, area denial resources and technology.

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